Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta I

Jurnal Keterapian Fisik ( Vol. 6 No. 2 Issue. November 2021)

ABSTRACT Background:The occurrence of serious problems in children's mental development, that children will become aggressive, lack of social interaction and deterioratingofcommunication skills, is affected by the introduction of gadgets too early and the intensity of uncontrolled use of gadgets by parents.Aim of this study isto determine the relationship between pragmatic ability and social interaction with the intensity of using gadgets in kindergarten children in Surakarta.Methods:This research was conducted in the kindergarden TK ABA Thoyibah Surakarta, TK Sri Juwita Hanum Surakarta andTK Negeri Pembina city of Surakarta in april until august 2020. Sample conduct usingtotal sampling technique. Amountof sample is 115 students of kindergarden. The relationship of the variables studied, both pragmatic ability and social interaction with the intensity of using gadgets, is an Odds Ratio (OR), which is exponential from b, the statistical significance of the Odds Ratio is tested with mannova.Results:The results of theanalysis of the pragmatic ability variable showed that Exp B: 2,916, p: 0,420. The results of the social interaction variable analysis showed that Exp B: 2,977, p: 0.011.Conclusion:Pragmatic ability and social intensity are jointly related to the intensity of using gadgest in kindergarten students in Surakarta, with the results of the analysis of the variable pragmatic ability Exp B: 2,916, p: 0,420 and the results of the analysis of social interaction variables Exp B: 2,977, p: 0.011.
Detail Information
Pembimbing / Promotor :
Pengarang : Department of Occupational Therapy, Poltekkes Kemenkes Surakarta
Jurusan :
Edisi :
No. Panggil : 036 JI.JUR j(6) / 2 2021
ISBN/ISSN : 2503-3557/2580-5908
Legalization : 0000-00-00
Subyek : Terapi Fisik
Klasifikasi : 036 JI.JUR j(6) / 2 2021
Jenis : Jurnal Ilmiah
Bahasa : English
Penerbit : : Surakarta.,
Deskripsi Fisik : 144 hlm.; 21 x 29,5 cm.
Lampiran Berkas :