Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta I

JKI Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (Volume 27, Nomor 2, July 2024)

Abstract:Feversoften occur in children under five years of age dueto the immature formation of their immune systems. Such fevers signifythat something unusual is happening in the body, often due to illness. Parents conduct various management techniques, suchas medical or traditional treatments,based on their beliefs. Banjarsociety hasa health culture known as bapidara, whichis used to treat children with fevers presumably attributableto supernatural disturbances.This exploratory research aimed to discover what alternative therapies the Banjar people use to treat children with fevers.This qualitativestudy used atranscendentalphenomenological design. Data collection was conductedwith eight mothers who had children under the age of fiveusing in-depth interviews. Five themes were identified based on the findings: themothers’actionsin treatingchildren with fevers, the mothers’ understandingof bapidaraas local wisdom, the procedures for performingbapidara, the health progress of the children after bapidara, and factors that influence the choice of bapidaraas a traditional treatment to relieve fever. This research can be used as the initial basis for cultural nursing care decisions in the development of complementary therapy for the initialtreatment of children with fever at home usingmedicinal plants tested for their effectiveness as family-centered care.
Detail Information
Pembimbing / Promotor :
Pengarang : Keperawatan Indonesia
Jurusan :
Edisi :
No. Panggil : 002 JI.JKI j(27) / 2 2024
ISBN/ISSN : 1410-4490/2354-9203
Legalization : 0000-00-00
Subyek : Keperawatan Indonesia
Klasifikasi : 002 JI.JKI j(27) / 2 2024
Jenis : Jurnal Keperawatan
Bahasa : English
Penerbit : : Jakarta.,
Deskripsi Fisik : 128 hlm.; 29,5 x 21 cm.
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