JKI Jurnal Keperawatan Indonesia (Volume 27, Nomor 1, March 2024)
Abstract : Patient safety education is often implicit in undergraduate nursing curricula, making it harder to meet competency stand-ards. The Attitudes to Patient Safety Questionnaire (APSQ-III), which was developed in 2009 by Carruthers and collab-orators in the United Kingdom, examines patient safety on a more sophisticated system level and has the potential to lead productive, nonhierarchical collaboration in educational settings. This study's goal was to use rigorous psychometric test-ing to validate the Arabic version of the Attitudes to Patient Safety Questionnaire (APSQ-III) for nursing students in an Arabic context. The majority of the 217 students recruited for this study through a convenience sampling technique were in their fourth year of college. There were two phases of APSQ-III validation investigations. Initially, three nurses were hired. The team documentedtheir ideas and selected the best one. The Arabic version of the APSQ-III was translated using World Health Organization (WHO) principles. A number of models were developed and evaluated. On the APSQ-III, which had a total of 25 questions, a principal components analysis with equamax rotation was carried out. The analysis revealed that the six higher-order factors with respective eigenvalues of (5.9, 3.1, 2.0, 1.3, 1.2, and 1.1) account for 58.4% of the total variance. All resulting factors contained at least three variables with clean loadings. The APSQ-III, which has been modified for use with nursing students in Jordan and otherArab countries has achieved construct validity and a Cronbach’s alpha reliabilityof 0.80for measuring attitudes regarding patient safety.