Effective Communication The Foundation of Family Resilience Towards Healthy Adolescent
Family resilience can be used as a guide in efforts to prevent, overcome, and strengthen families
who are vulnerable to crises, so that they become a resource to overcome problems, one of which
is adolescent health problems. One of the domains of family resilience, namely effective
communication patterns between families and adolescents will affect the formation of healthy
behavior Quasi-experimental quantitative research pre-post test with control group, respondents
are families who have street teenagers who are still returning home (children on the street) in
Greater Jakarta and Yogyakarta. The statistical test used was t-test to determine the average score
of adolescent healthy behavior after the family implemented the family resilience model. The
family resilience model is equipped with a pocket book of tips to increase family resilience. The
form of research intervention that was given during 8 meetings contained group education,
counseling services, coaching, mentoring, and home visits. The results of the analysis prove that
there is a very significant increase in the average score of street youth healthy behavior in families
who apply the family resilience model. The successful application of this model is expected to be
one of the models of public health nursing services to accelerate the transformation of health
pillar 1, namely primary care through promotive and preventive efforts.