Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Jakarta I

The Family Parenting Influenced Adolescent Brawis Behavior

Adolescents are one of the largest components in Indonesia. Data in 2007 showed that the number
of adolescents aged 10-24 years to reach 64 million or 28.6% of the total population of 222 million
Indonesia. In years of 2013 the research of basic health, met at age 12 -18 years (adult) increased by an
average 4.23% with percentage in the range of 16.295% -23.598% of the population [1].
Behaviors can be said adolescents’ reflection of parenting who is a role model results as well the
formation of character with the ability to adopt children's her defense mechanism. According to Baumrind,
[2], there is a pattern of parenting, namely democratic, authoritarian, permissif and neglected that will affect
the formation of the character of a child even though parenting itself strongly influenced by education,
norms/cultural, environmental, social the economy and the number of family members owned.
This issue raised in this study is whether the family impacted influencing in adolescents brawls
behavior? Through this study, researchers wanted to know what factors could encourage adolescent brawls,
parenting influence could effect to adolescent brawls, and behavior change in parenting after the health
promotion parenting.
Detail Information
Pembimbing / Promotor :
Pengarang : Heni Nurhaeni
Dwi Priharti
Jurusan :
Edisi :
No. Panggil : 01.JD.2016
ISBN/ISSN : 2252-8822
Legalization : 2016-06-01
Subyek : family Parenting
Klasifikasi :
Jenis :
Bahasa : English
Penerbit : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science : .,
Deskripsi Fisik : jil 5.; hal 126-134
Lampiran Berkas :