Image of Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach 5th Edition


Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach 5th Edition

From basic nursing processes to advanced clinical capabilities, Taylor’s Clinical Nursing Skills: A Nursing Process Approach helps you hone your cognitive, technical, interpersonal, and ethical/legal capabilities and master patient interaction, clinical reasoning, and communication skills essential to safe and effective person-centered care.

Step-by-step, evidence-based guidelines walk you through common practices and simplify complex procedures, accompanied by key considerations for documentation, delegation, and other tasks you’ll encounter throughout the nursing process, from your first day on the job to every stage of your nursing career.

Step-by-Step Skills are presented in a concise, straightforward, and simplified two-column format facilitating competent performance of nursing skills.
Scientific Rationales accompany each nursing action to promote a deeper understanding of the basic principles supporting nursing care.
Unexpected Situations highlight abnormal outcomes while providing explanations of how to react to provide the best care.
Evidence for Practice boxes present current best practice guidelines and up-to-date research relevant to the skills.
A Nursing Process Framework integrates related nursing responsibilities for each of the five steps.
Skill Variations provide clear, start-to-finish instructions for variations in equipment or technique.
Documentation Guidelines guide you through accurate documentation of skills and findings.
Hand Hygiene icons alert you to this crucial step that prevents the spread of microorganisms.
Patient Identification icons help you ensure the right patient receives the intervention and prevent errors.
Delegation Considerations assist you in developing the critical decision-making skills needed to transfer responsibility for the performance of an activity to another individual.


T2022.390610.73 PAM t 2019Perpustakaan Terpadu Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta I (610.73 PAM t 2019)Tersedia

Informasi Detil

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
610.73 PAM t 2019
Penerbit Wolters Kluwer : Philadelphia.,
Deskripsi Fisik
xxi, 1151 hlm,; 27,5 cm
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Info Detil Spesifik
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